Wisp and Credit

If you have not Figured it out what WICP ( Whis-i-p )means it means Sky355 Waddles In Club Penguin Enjoy!And this picture IDEA came from Sommfi in club penguin (her blog is so cool ;) Check it out here is the link http://sommfiinclubpenguin.blogspot.com/

Friday, February 19, 2010


She is Basically Famous! lol she could not add me because her buddy list was full...Of course! Here are some pictures of Us!

Once She came we Hung out at the plaza and we talked!

And We danced! With her puffle (purple)

Then We went to the Beacon and Danced again and i brought my Green puffle
and she got her green Puffle
And we talked about the orange puffle!
And we are hoping when you dance
it will make Flowers :)
We danced more around the burping puffles! 
and people started to crowed us!
then She picked to play a game and 
she beat me... Real bad lol! because im not so
good at game!
Another Picture!

And then she had to go! We did a lot in a little amount of time!

COMMENT! Peace Love Sky355 WICP!


  1. Hey what's up? I'm buddies with Saraapril. It is soooooo cool! I hope you get to be buddies with her some day too. Waddle On!

  2. I met her today too at Magno20's party!!
    She didn't add me as a buddy, but I got to see her iggy and hang out with her and Magno20!

  3. OH! that is pretty cool! i didnt know what time it was because i live in the us!
